Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I'm not fat, I'm radially challanged

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Пушкин на Горах - הפלצנות חוגגת

Тень ползет по горам рано,
Здесь нет звука целофана.
Нет назойливых машин,
Ничего кроме вершин.

Здесь, по горам тот кто бродит
Много странного находит,
Ветер дунет, песнь споёт,
Солнце на заре взайдёт

Здесь, лису бывает видно,
И коза тут вещь не дивна.
Змей под камень заползёт,
Скорпиона там найдёт

И когда вернёшся в город,
И услышишь вновь тот грохот.
Не забудь тогда с вершин,
Тишину больших долин.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Хома наш брут,
Он брат наш крут.
И там и тут,
нет, не найдут.


Остолопотамившей Сублиматор

Monday, October 22, 2007

Bastard John

Bastard John has flown upon The Feast of Dancing Clay
Ate his part and turned about to stare
Bastard Tell me, how it goes that you appeared here?
John shook his head and now regrets ever being here.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Scene from a Gym

Persons Presented

Instructor , gym instructor
Old Lady , comes to the gym for first time, and is instructed by the INSTRUCTOR
Ilya, myself.


[Enter all]
Old Lady is on treadmill, instructor telling her about it and starts it at about 1.5km/h. The lady is holding the hand-bar and begins to slide backwards, still holding the hand-bar. Instructor hits the Emergency Stop button.
You need to begin walking.
Old Lady. Oh! I do?
Old lady begins walking on the spot, when the treadmill is stopped.
Instructor. Let's begin with the bicycle...